Our Publications

2024 Impact Report
Impact in our region can only happen together with you. Through partnership, we are making bold and transformational change for all in our community. We are very excited to share with you our 2024 Impact Report, highlighting milestone accomplishments throughout our 2024 fiscal year that were made possible thanks to you. We invite you to share in our reflection of the foundation built in 1995 and look towards the future we continue to shape together.

Gulf Coast Regional Scan 2023
Your priorities are our priorities. Since 2009, Gulf Coast has undertaken regular regional scans to learn what is happening in our region and what challenges face our community members, donors, and public and private partners. This 2023 scan relies on the input and ideas from over 65 community leaders representing public agencies, private businesses, community and philanthropic organizations, and residents. We are committed to action across the range of issues facing our communities and are ready to lead, partner, and invest in innovative ideas and solutions. We invite you to join us in transforming our region.

Gulf Coast Regional Scan 2021
We could not have predicted the upheaval and uncertainty that came with the global COVID-19 pandemic. Now in 2021, the Gulf Coast region is still in the process of recovering. Gulf Coast responded quickly to the needs of our community, partnering with Charles & Margery Barancik Foundation in March 2020 to launch the COVID-19 Response Initiative. As we look toward the future, there remain significant community needs and long-term systemic issues to address together. Our 2021 regional scan provides critical trends and priorities in our community, and our commitment to action.

25th Anniversary Annual Report
25 years, better together. That is the heart of Gulf Coast Community Foundation’s relationship with our donors, our nonprofit partners, and the communities we serve. Since our foundation was created in 1995, we have transformed our region through bold and proactive philanthropy. While a quarter century of community philanthropy could never be captured in a single report, the pages that follow share select snapshots and emblematic stories. They aim to honor and inspire everyone who powers our ever-evolving work.

Gulf Coast Regional Scan 2019-20
Gulf Coast Community Foundation is constantly looking ahead to identify new priorities, address emerging issues, deploy new solutions, and explore bold new approaches. Our 2019-20 regional scan provides a roadmap to direct our community investments and inform the planning and work of community partners, government leaders, and philanthropists.
Compact for Impact 2018
Our Compact for Impact is an annual promise to our community. In it, we honor the many gifts given to and through Gulf Coast in the past year by laying out a bold and proactive plan to transform our region in the new one. This publication celebrates achievements—made possible by our donors and many other partners—while pledging to build upon them together. For everyone who has partnered with Gulf Coast in any of the many ways we work with our community, what you see in the pages of this report is what you gave.
Reading Recovery Playbook
Reading Recovery is a proactive, preventative, and proven intervention to help students who struggle the most with reading and writing. Individual students work one-to-one with a specially trained teacher for an average of 12 to 20 weeks, receiving daily 30-minute lessons. This publication tells the story of this initiative in Sarasota County and how, together with our partners, we’ve transformed our elementary schools to ensure each child is reading at grade level.
Who Hates Leaving Middle School?
Through the STEMsmart and 21st Century Schools initiatives, our community invested $18 million over eight years into technology-enhanced education—forever changing the way teachers teach and students learn in Sarasota County. This capstone report, commissioned by Gulf Coast and our partners at Charles & Margery Barancik Foundation, tells the transformational story of these two initiatives, documenting their impact on students, teachers, and an entire school district, and sharing insights for other communities interested in similar transformations.
Moving Forward Together: Gulf Coast Regional Scan 2017
Our 2017 regional scan establishes regional priorities and identifies strategic opportunities that will guide Gulf Coast’s initiatives and grantmaking. Based on the perspectives of regional leaders and backed with hard data on issues that affect our communities, the report serves as a shared roadmap for Gulf Coast Community Foundation and our public and private partners in building a better future for the Gulf Coast region.
Compact for Impact 2017
Our Compact for Impact is a pledge to our community to work with our community to realize its full promise in the year ahead. This new publication both honors and invites the contributions of our entire community in working together with Gulf Coast to transform our region through bold and proactive philanthropy.
CareerEdge Funders Collaborative Impact Report, 2010-16
This report produced by CareerEdge Funders Collaborative captures the measurable impact of investments made by CareerEdge to strengthen our region’s labor market and workforce-development system and move low-skilled workers up the career ladder. CareerEdge is an initiative under the fiscal lead of Gulf Coast and operational lead of United Way Suncoast.

Agenda for Impact 2016
Our Agenda for Impact is more than an annual report. It’s our annual statement of commitments for the coming year. Read our latest report to see what waves we have made in the year past and discover the sea change Gulf Coast has planned for 2016.

Home Matters for Sarasota County 2015
Gulf Coast commissioned this report by the Florida Housing Coalition to improve the public’s understanding of affordable housing, quantify the local need, and identify specific strategies to ensure an adequate supply.

Developing the Blue Economy of Florida’s Gulf Coast– summary report (Feb. 2015)
A summary report released in advance of our full marine science and innovation cluster study, this document outlines critical near-term opportunities to grow the Gulf Coast region’s “Blue Economy.”

Developing the Blue Economy of Florida’s Gulf Coast– full report (May 2015)
To chart the course for transforming our region’s emerging “Blue Economy” into a premier hub of marine innovation, Gulf Coast commissioned this economic cluster study and innovation strategy for the marine sciences.

Agenda for Impact 2015
At Gulf Coast, we have developed a proven model for change, powered by our combined funding and passion for transforming our region through bold acts of philanthropy. In our 2015 report, we share our plans for the year and beyond as seen through this lens.

PROACTION Magazine (Fall 2014)
The “innovation economy” edition of our PROACTION magazine examines how we are revving up our regional economic engine by playing to our strengths and uncovering and connecting the bright ideas and people in our community.
After the Fall: The Gulf Coast’s Next Innovation Economy (2013)
This regional research scan analyzes quantitative and qualitative information to identify opportunities and challenges for the Gulf Coast region and inform Gulf Coast Community Foundation funding priorities and strategies.
Collateral Damage: Floridians Coping with the Aftermath of War (2011)
A summary of findings and recommendations from the Florida BRAIVE Fund.
"Florida 911: The State of Emergency" Policy Study (2009)
A critical look at Florida's 911 emergency response system.