Brand Toolkit

A helpful guide to Gulf Coast's brand


Gulf Coast Community Foundation Online Brand Toolkit


At Gulf Coast Community Foundation, we value collaboration. For nearly 30 years, we have been working, together with our donors, to transform our region through bold and proactive philanthropy. We know that true transformation can only come from working together with our donors, partners, and the community. Thank you for being part of that transformation. We hope the information below proves useful in sharing all the important work we know you are completing in our region.

Utilizing our Logo

Gulf Coast three-line stacked logo

We appreciate the utilization of our logo by our partners. Our primary logo is the three-line stacked with "COMMUNITY" in pink. We understand that a stacked logo may not always work for design purposes, so there are one-line versions available. 

Download Logo Pack

Press Releases

We enjoy collaborating with our partners on press releases and other media outreach to share the important work they are doing in our community. We are always happy to provide a quote from our senior leadership team. Keep in mind, when referring to Gulf Coast Community Foundation in written form, please always use our full organization name first, "Gulf Coast Community Foundation." In subsequent references, you may use the shortened "Gulf Coast." 

Gulf Coast Boilerplate- Headquartered in Venice, Fla. and with a second office in downtown Sarasota, Fla., Gulf Coast Community Foundation has transformed the region through bold and proactive philanthropy for nearly 30 years. Serving the needs of the region as a partner in philanthropy and leader in community initiatives, Gulf Coast has surpassed granting over $550 million in the areas of: health and human services, civic and economic development, education, arts and culture, and the environment. Gulf Coast was named one of the “Best Nonprofits To Work For” nationally by The NonProfit Times in 2010, 2011, 2017, 2020, 2021, and 2023. To learn more visit and follow us on Facebook.   

Follow Us on Social Media

Feel free to follow all our accounts on social media! We update constantly with posts we think our followers will enjoy. From donor stories, grant updates, community events, even what our very own staff are up to, we cover it all. 

Facebook icon in black
Instagram icon in black
LinkedIn icon in black
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We're Here to Help!

The Brand Strategy team at Gulf Coast is always available should any questions arise about the promotion of our brand. Collaboration is one of our main values and we always appreciate the opportunity to work with our partners and review any materials (print or digital) prior to distribution. We are here to help you share your important work. Please contact Alyssa Barnsley, Brand Strategy & Creative Associate to collaborate and/or to request further materials.

Check Out Our Full Brand Story Playbook

Want to learn more about the history of Gulf Coast's brand? Check out our comprehensive Brand Story Playbook now!